Open a connection (file based DB)
// open a very basic connection
val config = DatabaseConfiguration("my-database.db", 1, { db -> ... })
val manager = createDatabaseManager(config)
val connection = manager.createMultiThreadedConnection()
// execute sql queries
// don't forget to close the connection
Open a connection (in-memory DB)
Why do in-memory databases need names?
If you pass in a name you need to manage the connections, just like any other database, but if you pass a value of null
then SQLiter will auto-assign the name :memory:
and the connection should auto-close when you disconnect.
// open a very basic connection
val config = DatabaseConfiguration(
name = null,
inMemory = true,
version = 1,
create = { db -> ... }
val manager = createDatabaseManager(config)
val connection = manager.createMultiThreadedConnection()
// execute sql queries
// don't forget to close the connection
Execute a query
Insert data
connection.withStatement("insert into test(num, str) values (?,?)") {
bindLong(1, id)
bindString(2, str)
Query data
connection.withStatement("select * from test where num = ?") {
bindLong(1, id)
query().iterator().next().let {
val dbVal = it.values.get(1).second as String
Delete data
val statement = connection.createStatement("DELETE FROM test")
// Verify that the deletion processed
assertEquals(0, connection.longForQuery("select count(*) from test"))